Group Psychotherapy is a way of understanding our difficulties in relation to group processes. It is concerned with the relationship between a person and the group and explores the relationship between public and private, self and other and helps us understand emotional difficulties in a more social context.


“Newid” is a service which has been running since 2011 both within the NHS and independently. The word “Newid” is the  Welsh term for “Change”. 


Paul Christoph Mitchell and Steve Douglas are highly experienced Psychotherapists who ran the Adult Trauma, Personality and Attachment Disorder Group Psychotherapy service for the North Wales NHS for 10 Years. Between them they have experience of managing and delivering Psychotherapy Services across the region for individuals who struggle with;


Trauma and Abuse


Social Anxiety  and Relationship Difficulties


Self Harming and Destructive Behaviours


Alcohol and Substance Use


Low Mood, Depression and Suicidality


Low Self Esteem and Poor Self Image


Obsessional Compulsive Disorder


Personality and Attachment Disorder 



When you enter the “Newid” Group Psychotherapy programme you are making a commitment to working collaboratively with other group members on your own and other group members emotional difficulties.

The fees are payable on a monthly basis by standing order on 1st day of the month.

Fees are £120 per month.



Group Philosophy


The “Newid” Group Programme runs according to Therapeutic Community principles.

T.Cs developed after the 2nd World War as a means of working with Soldiers who have experience of P.T.S.D.

Latterly this approach has come to help people with more diverse histories of adversity.



Group Structure

2 Hours Group Psychotherapy per week.

2 highly qualified and experienced Psychotherapists conducting the group. 

Between 8 and 10 group members.

Confidential and highly supportive environment designed to help individuals explore and resolve long standing emotional, relational and behavioural difficulties.